Giungono finalmente novità sul progetto sogno di ogni videogiocatore, quel Shenmue III che sembrava ormai perduto e il cui annuncio ha folgorato tutti all'E3 di quest'anno.
Attraverso il portale ufficiale di Kickstarter arrivano informazioni sullo stato corrente dei lavori: a quanto pare Suzuki ha terminato la fase di progettazione,
modificando la storia originale, originariamente prevista in 11 capitoli, in modo da poterla meglio adattare al nuovo scope del progetto, e pianificando lo svolgimento del gioco, tra filmati, eventi, battaglie e quest, in accordo con il budget a disposizione. Si è quindi ufficialmente entrati nella fase di sviluppo del gioco!
Ecco a voi il Q&A originale contenente, oltre a queste informazioni, anche un simpatico aneddoto raccontato dal Maestro:
Attraverso il portale ufficiale di Kickstarter arrivano informazioni sullo stato corrente dei lavori: a quanto pare Suzuki ha terminato la fase di progettazione,
modificando la storia originale, originariamente prevista in 11 capitoli, in modo da poterla meglio adattare al nuovo scope del progetto, e pianificando lo svolgimento del gioco, tra filmati, eventi, battaglie e quest, in accordo con il budget a disposizione. Si è quindi ufficialmente entrati nella fase di sviluppo del gioco!
Ecco a voi il Q&A originale contenente, oltre a queste informazioni, anche un simpatico aneddoto raccontato dal Maestro:
How is the production progress going?
A: Please take a look at this diagram. So far, we have finished the
composition, story, planning and the game flow. We will be advancing to the
next development step soon
Can you tell us more about the composition stage?
Shenmue III is based on the 11 chapters created 17 years ago, and each chapter
is set in different regions. For example, the first chapter was set in
Yokosuka, second was set in Hong Kong and so on. However, we cannot finish with
just one chapter in one region, so I had to restructure the story to fit within
the scope of Shenmue III.
What is the story stage about?
We had to rethink the storyline to make a more coherent flow, such as writing additional
stories and making other changes.
What about the planning stage? What is going on in this part?
Since we now know the amount of the funding from the Kickstarter campaign, we
can plan the overall budget for development. So I have mapped out the game
project to fit that budget scope at this stage.
After the plan is written and ready, what happens in game flow stage?
It is about placing various cut scenes, events, battles, and quests in order.
We have just finished this stage few days ago, and we will be working on the
actual game development now.
What other plans will be upcoming?
I will promise that I will be updating you about the progress of the
development at least once a month. This is what we have for now.
Is there anything big coming up on your schedule?
I am thinking about seeing the 2015 Tokyo Game Show which will be held in
September. Also, I am planning to travel to China this October to both attend a
game show called CHUAPP×2015, and also to do some location scouting for Shenmue
III's development.
Lastly, do you have any stories you could give that occurred during development
so far?
One night, I went to a Thai restaurant with the development team after work. At
that restaurant, a man approached me and asked to shake hands. He said he was a
fan, and we had a brief talk. He also happened to be in the game industry and
we began to hit it off. We talked some more to find out he really knew his job,
and on top of that, he was an exceptionaly good person. I was so impressed, I
asked him to help with the development. I couldn't help but feel Shenmue's
unique gravity to bring interesting things together.
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